Press Release – 30th Nov. 2016
Hannah J. Forster receives ‘Kairaba’ Peace Prize
Mrs. Hannah Forster (first right) receives Award from Madam Ndey Marie Thiam, (left)
The Women’s Platform for Peace in Casamance based in Ziguinchor, Senegal awarded Mrs. Hannah J. Forster, Executive Director of the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS) based in Banjul, The Gambia with the ‘
Kairaba’ Prizeon 21st September, 2016.
The Prize, the first of its kind, was created by the Platform, is dedicated to women in appreciation of the contribution of Women and Women’s organization towards promoting peace, human rights, peace building and peacekeeping activities in Africa.
Having been nominated and met all the set criteria, Mrs. Forster was awarded the Prize for her contribution at various national and international levels towards promoting the maintenance of achieving lasting peace.The Award ceremony coincided with the International Day of Peace celebrations on 21st September, 2016 in Ziguinchor also organized by the Platform. A ‘women and leadership’ photo exhibition was mounted the previous day and it entailed display of photos of all the Awardees. The exhibition traced the journey of each of the Awardees. A televised panel discussion on women’s role in sustenance and maintenance of peace was also held. Among other qualifications, Mrs. Forster holds a MA in Human Rights and Conflict Management. She is actively involved in many civil society organizations and human rights activities for the past two or more decades. She is a member of the Women’s Network for Peace and Security in West Africa coordinated by UNOWAS. She made several solidarity missions across Africa includingCasamance, where she was opportune to meet and engage with the late Fr. Diamacoune Senghor. OtherAwardees of the Kairaba Prize are Mrs. HalimatouSouare from Senegal, Mrs. Francesca L. Pereira from Guinea Bissau and KhadidiatouDiedhiou from Senegal (posthumous)
In response to this privilege, Hannah said that ‘The Prize came as a surprise as I know that there are many other well deserved women at the national and regional level. I appreciate the honor bestowed on me and wish to express my sincere appreciation to The Platform for this recognition’.
In addition to being the recipient of other Awards,Mrs. Forster is also the first Gambian to receive the Woman of Courage Award in 2007from the Embassy of the United States of America in Banjul, The Gambia.
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