Information for participants on the setting of the NGO Forum agenda

The NGO Forum is the premier continent-wide event for civil society to discuss the most pressing human rights concerns in Africa and to seek to influence the agenda of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. In order to ensure the relevance of the Forum’s agenda, the following guidelines have been drafted.

Theme(s) of the NGO Forum

In order to guide requests for agenda items, the Steering Committee will work to identify key themes for each session of the NGO Forum. These would reflect any special items on the agenda of the Commission, as well as other key events and issues being discussed in Africa.

Call for applications

These themes would form the basis of a call for applications to be circulated to participants along with clear guidelines on how to apply and the relevant deadlines. The panel requests will be assessed by the NGOs Forum Steering Committee based on the relevance of the request in relation to the session’s themes/key issues. Panels that are the most relevant to a large number of participants (both regionally and in terms of topic) will be given preference.

Due consideration will also be given to the balance between requests from African NGOs, international NGOs, the African Commission and UN agencies. The Steering Committee will work to connect organizations who request panels on similar issues in order for them to discuss holding a panel jointly (where appropriate).

Panel request form

Participants are required to submit their requests for panels by completing and returning the attached form to Adama Cooper Jah at

Timeline and process

  • Request for proposals of themes for upcoming Forum
  • Call for applications for panel requests
  • Deadline for panel requests
  • Initial draft agenda to Steering Committee
  • Finalisation and circulation of final agenda to participants and on website